The wedding ceremony
Sarah’s dear friend, Aimil Parmelee from Simmons will be performing the ceremony. Michael and Sarah have selected on of their favorite locations, the dock in front of their house for the ceremony.  They spend many summer days enjoying the view from this location, and wanted to include it in their ceremony.  They have each written a portion of their vows.

Food and Wine
There will be plenty of homemade food from elaborate to simple and vegan recipes, a variety of cakes, italian pizza cooked in our new outdoor pizza oven (thank you Avery for taking care of that), non alcoholic beverages and home brewed sangria wine made by Kennebec Home Brew.

Here is the list of all recipes.

The Engageent
“When you know, you know.
You know?”

Michael built a canoe-gondola. And they went for a ride on the Pond.

After my morning coffee Michael, he asked me to find an activity to occupy my time with inside the house and informed me that I shouldn't go outside or on the porch.  Although the directions were odd, I found something to watch on Netflix in bed.  After about an hour, through the sounds of cardboard and the smell of paint he came and asked me to go on for a canoe ride.  I thought it was an odd time of day for a boat ride, but am always up for an adventure.  Oh, and he told me to bring along my camera.  Upon arriving on the dock I found that he turned the canoe into a gondola!

He instructed me to relax and that he was going to paddle.  Once getting situated in the boat, he started to paddle and sing "O Sole Mio" (he looked up all of the words on wikipedia).  All good Gondolieres sing!  He paddled us around, we watched a loon family, and then he asked the big question!  I said yes (of course!), and the rest is history! Well actually, then we went to play mini golf, eat ice cream, called my mother, and Skyped with his mother and sister.

It was a memorable day, and the whole thing makes for a great story!

Michael Dusik and Sarah Irish Wedding Website